Prestigious Caribbean MBA Conference Returns To Trinidad & Tobago
PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad – Trinidad and Tobago has been selected as the venue for the 6th Annual Caribbean MBA conference (, which will be held January 2nd-7th, 2008.
The program this year will focus on “Regionalization and Economic Diversification” and participants will have the opportunity to interact with a cross-section of government and business leaders who will provide insight into the opportunities and challenges of operating businesses in diverse Caribbean countries.
The Caribbean MBA Conference is organized by the Harvard Business School (HBS) and Wharton School of Business alumni body. The main goal is to promote awareness of investments, business and career opportunities in the Caribbean.
Past speakers have included highly acclaimed business and political leaders from the region, such as the Honorable Patrick Manning and Dr. Kenneth Julien.
First Caribbean International Bank is the lead sponsor of this year’s conference. “First Caribbean views the conference as an opportunity to attract highly trained Caribbean nationals back to the region. The conference has established a record for consistently delivering impactful and meaningful events.” states Geoffrey King, Executive Director for Resourcing & Organization for First Caribbean.
From its inception, the Caribbean MBA Conference has provided a robust forum for the incubation of solid initiatives and partnerships with the Caribbean Diaspora and regional corporations. “The Caribbean MBA conference is a truly unique forum for discussing the economic strengths and challenges facing the Caribbean. As we return to Trinidad & Tobago after a very successful conference in 2005, the goal of the conference and that of our lead sponsor, First Caribbean International Bank is to assemble the best and brightest minds in the Caribbean to advance a vision of common dialogue and mutual economic interests. It is this vision that will ultimately contribute to the success of Trinidad & Tobago, as well as of the entire region going forward” states David Anderson, a Wharton MBA and one of the co-organizers of the conference.
Geoff Seyon, an organizer of the first Caribbean MBA conference in Trinidad and Tobago, chose to establish entrepreneurial operations in the region. As the Chief Operating Officer of Medullan, Inc., a leading healthcare information technology consulting services firm, Geoff’s involvement in the conference had a big impact on his decision to establish Medullan’s operations in Trinidad. “We are blazing a new trail in IT in Trinidad and in the Caribbean. We have so much talent here in the Caribbean that we can offer our IT graduates new horizons, big challenges and even greater opportunities.” states Seyon.
Several other Caribbean based institutions have used the conference to generate successful initiatives. These companies include Guardian Holdings, National Commercial Bank, Island Outpost and First Caribbean.
Over 75 business school students, alumni and business leaders are expected to attend the conference. Participating schools include Columbia Business School, Kellogg, Duke, MIT Sloan and the John F. Kennedy School of Government, and the University of Michigan.