Perspective: Was Senator Obama’s Choice for VP a good one?
By Abdul Muhsin
MIAMI – Many people of African decent, African Americans as well as African Caribbean’s are questioning the selection of Barak’s of running mate.
Who is this cat Joe Biden? Wasn’t he the guy that characterized Barak Obama as articulate, and bright, clean but didn’t think that Presidency was on the job training? We see that type of characterization as code words to depict a stereotypical view of the overachieving Blackman. Overachieving and not on par with the typical Whiteman seeking the same position. Now many of us will look at this selection and say…. why would Barak choose Biden after he dissed him.
We neglect to look at the intricacies of the primary elections. The Democrats had eight candidates vying to be the nominee.
Hillary was supposed to be the presumptive nominee, based on her name recognition, the fact that she was the wife of the 42nd president on the US, and that most women in the US wanted to see the first woman president. Nobody thought Barak Obama would be anywhere close to where he is now.
So now he makes a decision that is making us scratch our heads? Why, half of us didn’t think he would be in Denver on the verge of being the first African Decent to accept the nomination of the Democrats to be the next president of the United States. All of a sudden we are critical of his decision making?
Did we forget he beat Hillary Clinton and the Clinton machine with all their negativity during the primary? Do we even know who Joe Biden is? Did we take the time to find out about him? Do we even know that he was elected to the senate when he was 29 years old after establishing himself a fighter for the people? Do we know that he goes home by train to Delaware every night after work on Capitol Hill? Do we know of his background as a young man in the inner city? Do we know of his reputation with blue collar workers and unions in this country? Do we know that he has decades of foreign policy experience, as well as being the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee on which Barak serves? Do we even know that since the primary, Biden has been praising Barak as the best choice for America? Not to mention the people who vetted the candidate for Veep.
Caroline Kennedy and Clinton Administration’s deputy attorney Eric Holder were responsible for finding the best candidate for Vice President.
The vetting process is brutal. They go through your life like with a fine tooth comb. Then the person we supposed to trust the most makes the final decision. And now we question his decision. Let’s not forget it was Hillary Clinton “kitchen sink” strategy that gave the Republicans ammunition they need to fight Obama.
Some of us are thinking Barak should have taken her as his running mate. Let’s get real. The republicans were waiting for that. They had ads already in the can to blast her as the return of the corrupt Clinton years. Why did she stick by an unfaithful, narcissistic husband? Her ties to a Chinese influencer turn fugitive. Her husband’s library donations, his Kazakhstan connection and more. Not to mention the revitalization of the 85 million white Republican evangelicals who hate her.
Where is our political astuteness?
Why aren’t we paying close attention to the most important general election in our lifetime? Come on people, Barack has proven many times over that he has good judgment.
Judgment and now experience has rounded off an historic epic that is about to unveil itself to be the most prolific presidency in the history if the US. We are about to see something many of us never dreamed was possible. Rid yourself of doubt, mistrust, distrust, and crab in the barrel mentalities, isn’t no way attitudes, and get behind Barack Obama.
Make sure you volunteer your time to call friends and relatives and get them out to the polls for early voting as well as on Election Day.
Remember the Clintons are energizing the right wing with fodder. It is going to be up to us to pull off this election. History has proven that the black vote has always been the swing vote to get the president elected. Now let’s continue this trend and make history for real.
Hey, let’s not forget, racism is on its way out of the mindset of America. People over fifty are still holding on to racial division, but young people are different in their thinking. They see people who have the same interest. They don’t see race. So many of us need to get over our fears and take charge of our destiny. Put this in your heart… Barack Obama will be the next President of the United States and Joe Biden will be the next Vice President.
Email you comments to Abdul Muhsin [email protected]