Panel to Discuss Effects of Global Economic Crisis on the Caribbean in NY
NEW YORK – A panel discussion on the effects of the global economic crisis on the Latin America and the Caribbean region will take place at the Americas Society/Council of the Americas (AS/COA), 680 Park Avenue, New York City, on June 1, starting at 6:00 p.m.
A team of experts in government and finance management will discuss, among other topics, the effects of declining remittance flows on the region, under the broad theme, ‘Green Shoots or Black Clouds’.
The session will also be informed by the need to adapt to new economic circumstances, due to the dynamic shifts in the global market structure, in the wake of the crisis and the role of multicultural organizations in debt restructuring.
Managing Director of Latin American Equity Research, Geoffrey Dennis; Director of the Centre for International Development at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Ricardo Hausmann; and Global Head of GEM Fixed Income and Currencies, Halbis Partners Capital, Peter Marber, will attempt to analyse what lessons are being learnt across the region and what can be expected for the future.
The session will be moderated by Investment Editor at the Financial Times newspaper, John Authers.
Last week, former Chair of the Jamaica Diaspora Advisory Board/Northeast USA, Dr. Harold Mignott, was a panellist at a seminar on migration and the economic crisis, hosted by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), to better understand the impact of the financial and economic crises on international migration and development.