
OAS Secretary General Welcomes Normalcy during Haitian Voting

PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti – The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, sent his greetings to the people and government of Haiti after the normalcy that reigned during the second round of presidential elections yesterday in that country.

Secretary General Insulza highlighted the peacefulness that prevailed during Election Day and congratulated the responsibility with which Haitian society confronted its civic duty in the midst of restrictions imposed by the harsh conditions following the January 12, 2010, earthquake. He also stressed that any irregularities detected yesterday will be included in an OAS report to be submitted to Haiti’s Provisional Electoral Council (CEP), with the purpose of being considered in the future improvement of the country’s democracy.

After noting on the difference between the environment experienced yesterday and that during the general elections of November 28 last year, the head of the OAS congratulated the responsibility of Haitians who, overcoming all obstacles, participated during the second round in greater numbers.

Similarly, Secretary General Insulza congratulated the work of the Joint OAS – CARICOM Electoral Observation Mission, headed by Colin Granderson, and remarked on the fact that the recommendations in the report issued by this team, and by the OAS Verification Commission, have been implemented in the second phase of the electoral process.

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