OAS Secretary General Expresses Sadness and Outrage at the Massacre in Connecticut
WASHINGTON, DC – The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, expressed his dismay at the massacre that occurred in an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, which claimed the lives of at least 20 children and 6 adults.
Insulza expressed solidarity with the families of the children who were brutally murdered in their classrooms, along with some of their teachers.
“These tragedies should make us reflect on the factors that influence such dramatic events like the one today,” said the leader of the hemispheric organization. He warned that “the ease with which unbalanced people or criminals have access to guns is something that must be acted on, because crimes like these can not be repeated. As long as anyone can acquire, carry and use high-powered weapons, the risk of catastrophe will always be present.”
Jose Insulza
Secretary General Insulza expressed his support for the government of President Barack Obama and the people of the United States, “because we know, we can see, that everyone is suffering from the horror of seeing innocent children die, at precisely the stage of life in which they are the center of all our affections and worries.”
Finally, Insulza said he hoped “that we can all act together, energetically, so that the parents of these children not only feel our affection, but can also hope that the shortened lives of their children open the path to an effective reaction so that we can avoid further tragedies.”