Newly elected Diaspora Advisory Board Member for the Southern United States, Marlon A. Hill, Esq., welcomes Jamaica’s Prime Minister to South Florida
MIAMI – As the newly elected representative for the Jamaican Diaspora Southern United States, I am pleased to extend a warm welcome to the Most Honorable Portia Simpson-Miller, O.N., M.P., our first female Prime Minister in the history of Jamaica, on her first official visit to South Florida, June 22-23, 2006 .
This is a special historic moment for all Jamaicans and all people of goodwill and hope around the world.
On behalf of the thousands of Jamaicans from Arizona to North Carolina to Florida, I am especially grateful to Prime Minister Simpson-Miller for extending her Government’s hospitality to attending delegates and delivering a moving address at the Second Biennial Jamaican Diaspora Conference on June 15, 2006 at the Conference Center in Downtown Kingston.
We were inspired to receive her words in acknowledging the unbounded potential of the Jamaican Nation, including all our brothers and sisters residing overseas in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, the Caribbean, Central America, Africa, and beyond.
With humble thanks to our Maker, Jamaicans are gifted with a trendsetting personality, bold entrepreneurship, and an uncanny spirit of courage, perseverance and creativity. The authentic purpose of this Diaspora Movement is to galvanize these blessed talents for the upliftment of Jamaica and our communities overseas.
As we welcome Prime Minister Simpson-Miller to our adopted homes, let us remind ourselves that we are each responsible for the continued development and progress of Jamaica and our diasporic communities. Through this opportunity to serve, in collaboration with your personal participation and professional contributions, we will marshall all our intellect, resources, and passion to advise the Government of Jamaica on all issues relating to and impacting the Diaspora, while galvanizing our own local communities to improve our quality of life.
We are bounded together in this destiny—as one people, irrespective of class, race, gender, politics, and/or religious affiliation.
Let us promise each other to capture this unique opportunity to change our country, our local diasporic communities, the Caribbean region, and the world, FOREVER.
Jamaica and her Diaspora, Land We Love.
Marlon A. Hill, Esq.
Jamaican Diaspora Advisory Board Member
Southern United States