New book on Jamaican-born DEA “Rude Buay”… The Unstoppable Will Be Released on July 4, 2010
LOS ANGELES – Author John A. Andrews, son of the Caribbean soil, penetrates inside the belly of the drug world. In an environment saturated with corruption, deception, duplicity, deceit, and inequities of all kinds, Andrews conceives a cross Atlantic, greed driven fiasco, embedded within the drug epidemic. Can Jamaican-born DEA “Rude Buay” save his country from the tyranny of the Dragon Drug Cartel?
Many stories have been written about the horrible threat that illegal drugs pose to our way of life. People involved can be as ruthless at spreading the evil as those whom are dedicated to stopping it. Here, the stakes are raised much higher, when innocent and malicious teenagers are caught up in this debacle and dying off like flies.
Author, John Andrews
This poignant and hard hitting story intensifies, as Rude Buay – pronounced “Rude Boy,” a dedicated and stubborn Drug Enforcement Agent, goes after this powerful drug cartel threatening the government of his country, Jamaica. Ironically, just over a decade ago, he was forced to flee Jamaica, after his older brother was killed in a drug related incident. So imagine what it’s like returning to your homeland, to fight a war, where you are not welcomed and distrust your own countrymen.
Rude Buay is a gritty action drama with deviant twists, entangled between the thin line of Law and Order. Rick Scott, founder of the James Mason Classic British Book Club gave 5 stars to this twisted-roller-coaster-action-thriller: a teary-eyed, diabolically encapsulating chronicle that will make you think, laugh, cry, applaud, and even scream.
Rude Buay … The Unstoppable is a blend of Traffic meets Casino Royale with Charlie’s Angels gone corrupt. With the film project currently in development, Rude Buay is expected to go into pre-production in early 2011.
New book “Rude Buay”… The Unstoppable will be released on July 4, 2010