Miss Haiti, Raquel Pellisier, Honored By Mayor Messam and City Of Miramar
MIRAMAR – Fresh from being named First Runner Up in the Miss Universe Pageant, Miss Haiti, Raquel Pellisier, was welcomed by Miramar Mayor Wayne Messam for a standing room only reception by the residents and guests of the City of Miramar.
The reception took place at the Miramar Cultural Center and was attended by over 200 guests who gave Ms. Pellisier a standing ovation as she entered the room.
The message Ms. Pellisier left with was that the community as a whole was so proud to have her represent not only the Haitian Community, but the Caribbean Community as well.
In attendance as well were members of Ms. Pellisier’s family who were all moved to witness the outpouring of love for their cherished family member.
“It was truly an honor to have so many welcome such a role model for our Miramar young ladies,” stated Mayor Messam. “Ms. Pellisier speaks four languages, is continuing her studies in optometry and competed as Miss Haiti in the Miss Universe Pageant, coming in as first runner-up. This reinforces the message that our youth can aspire to be all they desire to be.”
Photo Credit: Gregory F. Reed
Photo Credit: Gregory F. Reed