
Miss Earth Jamaica Urges Jamaicans to Get Involved

KINGSTON, Jamaica – Saturday 4, 2008 has been designated National Wood and Water Day.

In commemoration of this day Miss Earth Jamaica Organization and its 2008 queen Simone Burke urges Jamaican to get involved in their local community and make a lasting difference in the fight against climate change now and for future generations by planting a tree.

“The symbolism – and the substantive significance – of planting a tree has universal power in every culture and every society on Earth, and it is a way for individual men, women and children to participate in creating solutions for the environmental crisis.” Al Gore, Earth in the Balance.

Simone Burke
Miss Earth Jamaica 2008 Queen

Miss Burke will mark the day by participating in tree planting and several environmental activities. She will be guest speaker at the National Environment and Planning Agency/Global Environment Facility – Integrating Watershed and Coastal Areas Management Project (GEF-IWCAM/NEPA) Opening Ceremony at the Fair Prospect High School, Fair Prospect, Portland on Friday October 3, 2008 commencing at 11:00am., She will speak on the impact of Climate Change and how by planting native trees and shrubs, we can help combat climate change.

The event will climax with Miss Burke planting the first cassava stick at the tree planting exercise.

Later that day she is slated to spearhead the launch of Miss Earth Jamaica’s commitment to plant 500 trees as pledge to the United Nations Environmental Programme’s under the “Plant for the Planet” Billion Tree Campaign with the slogan “Go Green Jamaica”. This is an effort from the United Nations to plant 7 billion trees worldwide by the end of 2009.

This event will take place at The Sweat Shop Fitness Club located at 2 Upper Braemar Avenue, New Kingston commencing at 4:30pm and is presented by Posh Entertainment Productions, Ltd franchise holder of the Miss Earth Jamaica Pageant with a stellar list of sponsors including ATL Motors “Honda Fit”, Jamaica Forestry Department and The Sweat Shop Fitness Club.

For more information on Miss Earth Jamaica Pageant, email them at [email protected] or visit their website at http://www.missearthjamaica.com

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