Miami Mayor Manny Diaz and Commissioner Jeffery Allen break ground for “Little Haiti Park Project”

Capital improvement project to re-energize the neighborhood and provide economic revival to the area

(Miami, FL)- City of Miami Mayor Manny Diaz and Commissioner Jeffery Allen was joined by elected officials, community leaders, area neighbors and city administrators to celebrate the Little Haiti Park Groundbreaking Ceremony, last week Wednesday, May 25th at 225 NE 59th Street.

The recreational and cultural components will provide the Little Haiti, Edison, Little River, Buena Vista and Lemon City area a first-class full service park, where they can benefit from a full range of recreational activities and cultural programs.

Once completed the Little Haiti Park and Caribbean Cultural Campus will house the NET office, art galleries, the Black Box Theatre, parking facilities, and open plazas that will feature Caribbean arts and crafts.

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