Jamaican Government appoints new Senator and Foreign Affairs State Minister
KINGSTON, Jamaica – Jamaica’s Prime Minister Bruce Golding has announced the appointment of Mrs. Marlene Malahoo Forte as a Senator and Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade.
Ms. Malahoo’s appointment will fill the vacancy in the Senate resulting from the resignation of Colonel Trevor MacMillan. She will be sworn in at Kings House on Wednesday, July 15 at 10.00 am.
Ms. Malahoo has had an outstanding career as a Resident Magistrate. She previously served as Assistant Director of Public Prosecutions and is a past President of the Association of Resident Magistrates as well as the Legal Officers Staff Association. She is currently the Chairperson of the Women’s Leadership Initiative.
In 2007 she was selected as a Yale World Fellow at Yale University and earlier this year she obtained a Master’s degree in Public Administration, with concentration in Political Advocacy and Leadership, from the Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and specialty in Public Policy & Management as an Edward S. Mason Fellow.
Ms. Malahoo completed her Bachelor of Laws degree with Honours at the UWI (Cave Hill campus) and is a graduate, with Merit, of the Norman Manley Law School, where she received the Ken Smith prize for Trial Advocacy. She was awarded a Commonwealth Scholarship to Kings College, London, where she obtained with Merit, the Master of Laws degree. Ms. Malahoo is a daughter of Westmoreland and a past Head Girl of Manning’s High School,
In commenting on Ms Malahoo’s appointment, the Prime Minister said she would bring value to the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, at a time when the global challenges confronting Jamaica, require intense and strategic foreign policy responses.