
Image Types That Can Help Your Business in Social Media Marketing?

From multi-million corporations to SMEs (Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises), almost every business is searching for ways to enhance its online reach and expand the business. But is it possible for small businesses to beat competitors in the industry and get the desired market share? Or is there any device or technique introduced to reach the business goals in the least time possible? As of now, not at all. However, there is a way to get instant success in the business; Social Media Marketing. It can do wonders and help your businesses gain success beyond expectations.

social media marketing images

Millions of businesses have been relying on social media marketing in recent times. No one has opened more gates of opportunities for the business world than this type of digital marketing, especially social media. Do you know how much potential social media marketing has? And why has it become an integral part of the business and marketing world? If not, look at some incredible stats about social media and its scope!

  • Almost 59% of the world population is regularly using social media
  • Facebook has about 3 billion accounts which makes it the most used social media platform
  • An average social media user spends about 2 hours and 10 minutes on social media
  • More than 75% of marketers believe that social media marketing is effective and helps businesses earn revenue
  • Half of the social media users research products on social media

These stats indicate one thing; the significance of social media marketing. It emerged with time to become more influential, and its evolution process continues. Previously, it was only text that was used for marketing. However, images and videos have replaced it with time and offered a better alternative. This article will specifically discuss image types that can help your social media marketing campaigns.

Here are the best image types for your social media marketing campaigns!

Product Images

If you use social media for your product selling business, you would be aware of this type of image. Product images are the most commonly used for marketing as they show people what the product actually looks like. These images are used to arouse consumers’ interest and let them make the purchasing decision.

However, product images don’t work well in every case. The problem usually isn’t related to the products but the images. Unfortunately, some marketers don’t know how to capture or present a photo to make it attention-grabbing and impactful. If you are also facing this issue, don’t worry; there is a simple solution that can make the images more productive than ever. Check your competitors’ best-selling products’ pictures.

You can get an idea from your direct rival companies or search for the latest trends worldwide. For that purpose, use the reverse image search technique. That works like a text query on the search engines. In reverse photo lookup, whenever you upload an image, it traces the exact and similar images and fetches the results on your screen. This search by image technique is the best to research similar photos and learn how you can organize your product images to provoke consumer interest.

Announcement Images

images for social media marketingAnnouncement images are used as a marketing and brand awareness tool on social media platforms. Brands use them to get the targeted audience’s attention and prepare them for the big days like special sales, exclusive discounts, and other offers. These images are more beneficial than product images. Announcement images keep the consumers ready for big days and share your brand message with their friends and family members.

However, you can only take advantage of these images if you know how to utilize them properly in your social media marketing campaigns. For announcement images, first of all, you need a strong message with easy, memorable, or rhyming words. After that, choose the picture layout & colors that match your brand, and lastly, add your brand logo and some exclusive pictures to grab attention.

If you are short of ideas, you can use the reverse image search method in it as well. Then, after watching those pictures, you can get multiple ideas that you can utilize for your brand promotion or announcements.

Seasonal Images

To keep in touch with your potential customers on social media, you constantly need to upload images. Announcements and product images are great for attracting customers, but they don’t usually offer something new. Besides that, at times, people don’t resonate with them and find them dull. That is where the seasonal images come in handy.

Seasonal images could be anything like the product images for a specific season, event, or occasion or announcement images for the coming events or sales. Seasonal images touch the consumer’s emotions and let them feel your brand is aware of their needs. If you know how to use these images in your social media marketing campaigns, they would be surprised to see their benefits.

Quote-Oriented Images

Quotes by industry experts always help people make their decisions. You can use them to arouse consumer interest. Besides industry experts, these quotes could be the reviews of previous clients satisfied with the products or services. These kinds of images are helpful for both product and services sectors. That is why companies use them to promote their products/services.

Designing quote images is an easy task for people. Those who have a bit of knowledge of graphic designing or aesthetic sense can create them with ease. In addition, quote-oriented images are helpful in case you don’t have many products to sell. So, they keep people updated about your existence in the market.


South Florida Caribbean News

The Team provides news and information for the Caribbean-American community in South Florida and beyond.

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