South Florida Caribbean Strong hosts Hurricane relief effort Town Hall Meeting

Hurricanes Irma & Maria relief effort community Town Hall Meeting Sept. 20th
MIAMI GARDENS – In an effort to support the Eastern Caribbean Islands that have been affected by Hurricanes Irma and Maria, South Florida Caribbean community, business, culture and entertainment leaders from Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties in collaboration with The Miami Foundation will conduct a Community Town Hall meeting on Wednesday, September 20th, 2017 from 6:30PM to 8:30PM at the Holy Family Episcopal Church located at 18507 NW 7th Avenue, Miami Gardens, FL 33169.
Father Horace Ward will host the meeting, where those attending will discuss different strategies on how the community can be involved.
The intention is to raise awareness of the urgent demand of basic needs, collect supplies, inform of different drop-off locations, raise funds, and recruit volunteers the Hurricane Relief efforts.

“The United States of America, Florida and the Caribbean became one family through the common experience of the impact of the hurricanes this historic season. As a result, we will need each other during this challenging period of recovery and rebuilding,” stated Marlon Hill, Miami attorney and past Trustee with The Miami Foundation.
2017’s Hurricane Season has been record-breaking, to include massive exodus of residents evacuating to safer places, countries left with hundreds of homes destroyed and millions of dollars needed for redevelopment. The restoration of the devastating effects of these hurricanes on the Caribbean Islands and United States can be accomplished with the collective efforts of a united community.
For more information visit South Florida Caribbean Strong or call 305-482-3660. Donations can be made directly to US Caribbean Strong Relief Fund at Miami Foundation and more information at Miami Foundation.