
How Interpersonal, Cultural & Technological Differences Influence Negotiations

Differences Influence Negotiations

Sometimes, negotiations can take a difficult turn.

Intercultural communication is one of the most challenging things that make negotiating more difficult than usual. For instance, if an American official is to close a deal with a Japanese company, it is recommended that they do a bit of research about Japanese culture and practices.

However, personal characteristics can also heavily influence the outcomes of a negotiation. So it is essential to learn about the opposite party, regardless of their nationality or culture.

That said, it is recommended that you exercise standard negotiation practices and tactics to gain unique perspectives over time. You can also rely on professional training programs offered by Karrass that will help you learn and apply the art of negotiation in diverse business and personal situations. 

Let’s briefly look at some of the factors you can consider to approach situations that demand more than just standard negotiation tactics.

Choice of Medium & Business Relationships

While face-to-face is known as the best communication method, today’s world demands businesses to connect people from different parts of the world. That said, exchanges such as negotiations are most effective when the communication medium is properly synchronized.

For example, let’s compare phones, emails and video conferencing. Emails are used in situations where the intent is to pass detailed information or maintain formal communication. Supposedly, if these weren’t the intentions, emails might unnecessarily slow down a conversation or show a lack of interest.

On the other hand, a phone call shows that you care and can get the job done quickly. Such differences in the choice of communication medium can have huge impacts on business relationships. 

Establishing Communicative Harmony

Now that we have discussed the choice of media, we will discuss how important it is to be well-versed with communication technologies and their impacts on interpersonal and business relationships.

Imagine a person in the middle of an online negotiation loses his video feed and cannot get it back working. Although it might not have anything to do with the ongoing topic, the inability to mitigate such glitches tells a lot about a person. Professionals must be well-versed in the choice of technologies they must use for business. 

While it isn’t necessary to be tech-savvy, we recommend that you learn a thing or two to handle relevant technologies effortlessly. 

Ever noticed how calm and natural a daily driver looks when they drive? Compare that to a new driver’s body language and confused state. Such visual cues per se are of utmost importance and strongly influence how parties perceive your seriousness about the business you engage them with.

Try to understand what the opposite party wants.

Now that we have covered communication disciplines and the influence technology has on them, let’s dive into the key aspects of negotiating with people from different backgrounds concerning status, nature of business, nationality or culture. A very important thing to do well amidst a negotiation is to comprehend the opposite party’s interpersonal nuances. 

Try to understand their requirements, comfort zones, shortcomings, if any. It would help if you also considered their communication characteristics, such as their preference for visual cues, personal information, cultural interests, etc. Doing so will help you put together intel to further help with your negotiation goals. 

The Bottom Line

To influence the other party towards a favorable negotiation outcome, try to make them comfortable by staying in their preferred mode and style of communication. It’s key to reciprocate effectively to make them feel appreciated and be appreciated, and there’s a tremendous value for appreciation in a business relationship. 



South Florida Caribbean News

The Team provides news and information for the Caribbean-American community in South Florida and beyond.

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