Florida Girl Scout Team complete 2-week summer camp in Jamaica

SOUTH FLORIDA – Several senior members of Florida Girl Scout Team – Troop 683 (Service Unit 11) and their leaders from Miami, Florida recently completed a two-week summer camp in Moneague, Jamaica.
‘Camp Moneague’ was the first expedition of its kind for the Troop members outside of their region. During the two-week program the girl scouts, ranging from ages eleven to 14 years old, played hostesses to nearly 80 children at the Moneague Teachers’ College Basic School in St. Ann.
Florida Girl Scout Team Skill Development
The objective of the Troop members as they approached senior year, was for the girls to develop leadership and organizational skills, and a sense of community and commitment during civic duties. In this regard, the girls interacted with their newly found Jamaican friends, during daily activities that included a variety of physical education programs, water sports, athletics, dance techniques, and art and craft classes where they exchanged skills in making domestic items. They also took part in educational projects using visual material and computer programs and even storytelling activities.
Other outdoor activities included visits to local produce and botanical farms where they observed plant and animal life indigenous to Jamaica, at the same time interacting with the rural folk.
Experiencing camp lifestyle in rural Jamaica the troop members resided in outdoor tents they constructed for their two-week program, at the same time performing their own domestic chores.
Tourist Attraction Site Visits
Outside of camp duties, the girl scouts troop and their leaders were guests at several local Jamaican tourist attractions in the parishes of St. James and St. Ann hosted by the Jamaica Tourist Board and the Ministry of Industry and Tourism.
As a surprise, the troop team was treated to a night of entertainment which included song, dance and drama in Jamaican folklore by their Jamaican counterparts at the Moneague campsite.
On return to Florida, Troop leader, Ms. Donna Green, said the troop members were enthused and excited on completion of their summer program. The learning experience, the sense of community and commitment were important to the qualities of leadership they developed during their time in Jamaica.
As they established active citizenship at this flagship campsite, the troop team indicated an interest for the continuation of the summer program. In expressing appreciation to their host team at the Moneague campus, Ms. Green mentioned all other supporters who had contributed to the hospitality during their stay.
Team Sponsors
Among the Jamaican sponsors were Jamaica National Overseas Limited, Grace Kennedy Limited, and Jamaica Trading Services. Florida-based companies included LaParkan Shipping, Seafreight Agencies Incorporated, Econocaribe Consolidators, LEASA Industries, Antilles Freight Corporation, Charsal Marketing, PanAmerican Group, Lexus of Pembroke Pines, Homestead Toyota Company, Caribe South #2 Company, law firm of Santiago Diez and medical offices of Dr. Daniel Diez.