First Jamaican Canadian to Win the Prestigious Oktoberfest-Rogers TV Woman of the Year Award
By: Sandra Mills
TORONTO, Canada – Author, Speaker and radio radio talk show host Paulet Biedermann is the first and only Caribbean native to win the Oktoberfest-Rogers TV woman of the year award. She was recognized for making significant long term contribution to her community and her country. On Tuesday Oct.9th, Biedermann won the Waterloo Region’s most prestigious award, the 2012 Oktoberfest-Rogers TV Woman of the year award.
She is the first Caribbean native to win this honor; bringing the total awards received in 2012 to three. She was selected from fifty eight nominees and was one of eight outstanding women from the region to receive this recognition.
Paulet Biedermann is an outstanding Canadian in every sense of the word: She is kind, caring, generous, altruistic and benevolent. She volunteered for over 32 years since arriving from Jamaica in 1980. She gave thousands of hours to her community: prison, women shelters, schools, festivals, women clubs, minority training and adjustment board, Cultural Committee, Aids Committee, churches, community TV and Radio and various ethnic groups. She strategically utilized these mediums to highlight and champion causes of marginalized groups. Her passion for helping women, youths, and the mentally ill, motivated her to create a radio talk show “Your Best You Show-Talking about things that matter to you!” Her goal is to highlight issues affecting minorities, marginalized and the vulnerable in her community: From Bullying and racism to challenges facing immigrant women to get certified in their trained fields.
Most recently, she was appointed president for the Cambridge chapter of Spelling Bee Canada. This is what she had to say following her appointment, “I have noticed that over the years and especially lately, black kids are under-represented in a lot of the educationally oriented activities. This is unacceptable; we know that the best way to elevate a people is via education. There are a lot of bright children out there who sometimes get lost along the way because no one notices their potential.” Her mandate is to ensure the participation of as many kids as possible and in particular the black kids. Waterloo region is a very diverse community and this should be reflected in our activities.
Author , Paulet Biedermann – “Woman of the Year” award
Her passion for helping youths has prompted her to develop various programs, including but not limited to mentoring for artist, politicians(youths and women, newcomers) she has positively impacted the lives of many over three decades. She prides herself on helping individuals to attain optimum potential. She donated books to all 4 libraries in her community, schools and counseling organizations. She educates women and girls about issues such as, fear of success, child self esteem development and adjustments for new comers. She published articles and created teaching videos to educate about child abuse, bullying, drug abuse, racism and domestic violence. She organized fund-raisers and sponsorships, raising thousands of dollars for artist, women entering politics and abuse victims.
This altruistic humanitarian, works tirelessly in her quest to help others. She has utilized her skills to help individuals to become more self-confident, more self-aware and more self-reliant. Her mandate is simply to guide individuals to a more fulfilling and rewarding professional and personal life. She is an expert in guiding and motivating others to achieve extraordinary results. She is a social activist who continuously advocate for the objective, fair and equitable treatment of women, youths, and mentally ill. She is the voice of anyone who is disadvantaged and vulnerable. She has enriched the lives of thousands: Whether they borrow her books from the local library, or attend one of her workshops or listen to one of he radio talk shows, or one of her motivational CDS, the medium matters not, it is the enthusiasm, renewed hope and the sharing of the necessary tools for successful self mastery, self management and ultimately success, that matter! She is a role model and inspiration to all of us.