
Everything you need to know about temperature checking

temperature checking

Times are rough, and it doesn’t seem that the covid-19 virus would go away anytime soon. Do you find yourself placing the back of your hand on your head frequently? In today’s time, it is quite normal to check your temperature every other hour. Well, you’re not the only one to be doing so. Everyone is following to ensure that they aren’t affected by the virus.

High temperature can be a sign of an illness. But in today’s time, it can only be an indication that you’re probably affected by the virus. Isn’t that something you want to avoid? Covid-19 is a contagious disease. Although many countries are working towards developing the vaccine, there hasn’t been one totally effective vaccine. Most of the vaccine shots need to be given in different phases to ensure the virus’s longevity and effectiveness. Hence, many people are working towards taking measures that can help to curb down the virus. And what could be a better way than checking your temperature constantly to avoid covid-19?

Fever and Covid-19

temperature checking

One common misconception that everyone needs to get over is that fever always isn’t a sign of the Covid-19 virus. Fever is just one of the many symptoms. Nonetheless, many people without fever too have been affected by Covid-19. Fever plays an important role in fighting off infection and, in many cases, wouldn’t be a matter of concern.

Temperature above 101 degrees wouldn’t require you to call a doctor. Nonetheless, if your body temperature exceeds 103 degrees, you may want to see a doctor. In many cases, it is advisable to see a doctor if the fever exists for more than three days. However, since fever is considered to be a sign of Covid-19, experts recommend self-isolation. This plays a crucial role in taking essential precaution to prevent the spread of the virus.

In covid-19, temperature above 100 degrees isn’t normal. The average body temperature is 98.6 degrees, but it is advisable to practice caution. Experts suggest that if your body temperature exceeds 100 degrees, you will be eligible for taking the covid-19 test.

Body Temperature Changes Throughout the day

temperature checking

Whenever you take body temperature readings, you need to take them at the same time. Moreover, it is also advisable to take the readings twice a day. Doctors recommend being consistent while taking body temperature readings. Even when you fluctuate by an hour, you may have a tough time getting accurate readings.

The average body temperature is around 98.6 degrees but may extend to 99.5 degrees. Although it is normal, it is advisable to maintain precautions. The body temperature fluctuates significantly due to hormonal activities and increased physical activities. For instance, you may have a low body temperature when you wake up in the morning and a high body temperature when you conduct any physical or mental exercise.

 How to get the best temperature reading?

The temperature reading is extremely crucial. As stated earlier, the body temperature depends on several factors. Hence, experts recommend being very careful while taking the body temperature readings. Taking oral temperature reading right after you consume a cold or hot drink wouldn’t be a good choice to make.

Here are some of the best tips for taking temperature reading at home

Ear thermometer

temperature checking

With this thermometer’s help, you can easily take the temperature reading by placing it in the ear canals. These kinds of thermometers use infrared light to detect body temperature. Hence, make sure to choose the best infrared temperature scanner.

How you place it in the ear canal will have a significant impact on your reading. At the same time, you need to ensure that the ear canal is cool.

Temporal Thermometer

These types of thermometers use infrared scanners to record the body temperature. One of the key benefits of using these is that they’re straightforward to use. Moreover, they record temperature pretty quickly too.

If the temporal thermometer isn’t placed correctly, it may lead to inaccurate readings. Moreover, one needs to be very careful about the motion too. If you find any fluctuations in the measurement, it is advisable to retake the readings.

Oral thermometer                 

These are the most commonly used thermometers and extremely inexpensive. Nonetheless, the only downside of these is that they’re less reliable.

It would help if you cleaned the oral thermometers regularly with soap and warm water. Moreover, you should avoid taking your temperature right after consuming hot or cold food.


In times like these, every medical healthcare professional would advise you to have a thermometer. Well, placing your hand on your forehead can make it easy for you to determine if you have a fever or not. Nonetheless, this wouldn’t be able to give you accurate readings, which is why you will need a thermometer.

Your immunity system needs to be strong. Hence, it would help if you practice healthy and safe measures to keep the virus at bay. You should maintain proper social distancing measures to save yourself.



South Florida Caribbean News

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