Consulate General of Jamaica – Miami Consul General’s Christmas and New Year’s Message
SOUTH FLORIDA – Consulate General of Jamaica – Miami Consul General’s Christmas and New Year’s Message – the Hon. Sandra Grant Griffiths, JP.
Fellow Jamaicans & Friends of Jamaica:
The expectantly awaited year 2012 was an exceptional one for our country as we unabashedly “gave thanks” for Jamaica’s extraordinary journey on the domestic and international stage, thus far. We felt doubly blessed by the privilege of celebrating half a century of political Independence and for the opportunity to showcase the brilliant achievements of the people of our beautiful Caribbean island as a, “Nation on a Mission”.
Our Government and people rose magnificently to the occasion at home and equally so abroad. Without a doubt, the Diaspora unified in all our communities in every geographic location to commemorate the historic milestone and mark longstanding collaborative relationships and friendships at the people to people, civil society and State levels. That we also enjoyed superlative promotion of “Brand Jamaica” through the phenomenal performance of our Jamaican Olympians, building on the legacy of the forerunners in sports and athletics, was an additional golden gift.
The team at the Consulate General of Jamaica, at Miami remains grateful for the outpouring of support, recognition, and good wishes expressed from within the Jamaican Diaspora community and from the friends of Jamaica. You who have shared the journey with us have embraced in love the “Out of Many One People” philosophy which must be our hallmark as we continue to vision and execute the policy and programmes necessary to shape our nation’s future. I must, note with gratitude the team of USA-South community facilitators who made the year-long “Jamaica 50” celebratory programme so grand, and very specially those who made the Consulate General’s Diaspora Honours Legacy Gala such an outstanding success. I thank all who participated, and salute again all the outstanding honorees whose sterling contributions were so aptly and deservedly recognized.
As Jamaicans, we are cognizant, equally, of the challenges overcome and the pressing situations with which we must still grapple in order to achieve our socio-economic and developmental goals. We continue to build on the positive indicators, and to lay the groundwork for the achievement of even more measurable national development in the future. We are confident, therefore, that history’s indelible scripts will not be ignored, and that Jamaica will be sustained and propelled forward, buoyed not only by the indomitable spirit of our people, as reflected in the examples set by our heroes past and present, but by the concerted will and efforts of all.
Since my last annual greeting, we have experienced the peaceful, democratic governmental change which is the expected in a maturing society. We have literally accomplished a “Meet Jamaica” campaign in every corner of the world where our cultural arts and economic products have penetrated on the wings of our proud people, and indeed the goodwill of many admirers. Mindful of our many blessings, I am privileged to be able to extend the warmest of Season’s Greetings, and to take the opportunity to re-commit to even greater effort in 2013, as with your gracious partnership – the partnership of colleagues, elected officials, Diaspora, and many other friends of Jamaica – we look forward to continued progress for “Jamaica, Land We Love”.
Hon. Sandra Grant Griffiths, JP
Consul General of Jamaica – Miami