
Community Blog: The First Black President – What Does It Mean To You?

Pat White

FT. LAUDERDALE – I am very proud that a black family will occupy the White House for the first time in America. They seem like a very “model family” – a beautiful family and I am sure this is as an exciting time for them as it is for many across American and across the world.

I am not, however, falling off my chair about this. Maybe it’s because I never thought the idea of a black president was as far fetched as many were thinking it was. To see a black person hold a position of power is not out of the realm of the norm for many Caribbeans. Many of us were/are familiar with droves of black men and women walking up the steps of the metropolitan building with their briefcases and dressed in their suits going to a high profile job. We are use to seeing black prime ministers and other political ministers in the islands.

President Elect Barack Obama and Family

I guess one could say that the people who are crying and wooing in amazement (even though they supported Mr. Obama) are the ones that really did not believe that it was possible. I never believed that a black president was that far fetched, so while I congratulate the President Elect and his family for their achievement, I am more thankful that there is now a Democratic Senate and House and a Democratic President , who will help the country overcome these challenging economic times. I do believe that the Clintons are more capable of fixing the economic mess that the previous administration left behind; however, I can appreciate that many blacks who have experienced so much negativity and regression, and who probably never thought it was possible for a black person to be president, are overcome with elation and pride.; and I celebrate along with them.

The question now is what does this mean to the many who are so proud and celebrating that there is now a black president. What does this mean for you as an individual? Will this give you the inspiration to be more involved in your children’s education? Will this give some black men the inspiration to be fathers and not just sperm donors? Will you now start attending your child’s school’s PTA? How is this inspiring and historic moment going to affect you? Will this historic moment inspire you to practice more personal responsibility? Will this decrease the amount of AIDS victims in the black community? Will this historic moment inspire you to take better care of your health and diet? If so, I join in celebrating with you. If you were jumping on top of a car 11:00pm Tuesday night banging a spoon against a pot with your pants falling down to your upper thighs, then you really don’t get it and this is all pointless.

I guess there are folks who always believed that the sky is the limit regardless of your race. These folks are happy for the president, but are not beside themselves. And then, there are those who (even though they supported Mr. Obama) are in disbelief and shocked. Maybe these were the true doubters beneath the cheers and tambourines noise. In any case, I am happy for those who now see the possibility of greatness (regardless of race) and I hope, in between the celebration, this inspires them to do something great themselves.

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Pat White

Community Blog: Pat’s Pet Peeves Daily Blog. Sometimes Controversial – Sometimes Humorous – Always Thought Provoking.

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