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Community Blog: Race VS. Ego – The Skip Gates Incident

By: Pat White

Ego, Ego and more Bruised Ego. This was what this case was all about, as apposed to Race.

Professor “Skip” Gates just pulled the Race card because it is easier to complain about racial profiling than complain about a bruised ego. It angers me that people like him would draw the race card when its convenient for them and ignore race issues 99.999% of their time. As an uppity black, he and his other uppity black friends spend most of their time promoting those in their inner circles than trying to help those struggling beneath them.

Most of the time they are the ones that criticize those poor and struggling blacks, by saying that they constantly have excuses and they need to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. I’m not saying these very successful blacks have any obligation to those blacks that are less successful, but spare me the hypocritical “woe is me because I’m black,” when yesterday you were trying desperately to rub shoulders in a 90% white gala.

Heny Louis Gates

I am convinced this has more to do with Ego than race when Gates made comments to the effect of, ” I am the last person to call anyone a racist because I am 25% white, my father is 78% white and I am married to a white women.” Now you tell me……………. Anyone who takes the time to find out what percentage of their make-up is white, has some serious internal self esteem issues. The only role that race played in all of this, is that no matter how much you try to run from your blackness, it stares you right in the face. No matter how much you try to magnify that 25% of whiteness that you claim you have; or marry white; or rub shoulders with white; the fact remains – you are still black. Some of these highly educated people are still brainwashed to believe that white is better than black. How do you educate a Harvard Professor to love himself for himself and accept his blackness?

I am convinced that Skip Gates was more ashamed because they were embarrassing a HARVARD PROFESSOR. He was being reduced from a uppity Black to a regular Black. How mortifying!!! After all, he worked all his life to avoid being called just another Black man. This was what he was running from the entire time!! As one commentator said, “Lets not pretend that this is the first or best example of racial profiling;” and neither should this be a “poster child” for Racial Profiling. Gates is probably more privileged than the average white man. He does not know what the average Black man goes through daily, like being denied credit and mortgage loans or being charged enormous interest rates when they are approved; Being denied jobs and promotions; and the countless harassment stories we have heard from people over the past week or so. No, I don’t think he should now try to represent the average black man (struggles), just because he pulls the race card to band-aid his bruised ego.

Is this a case of Race, Ego or both?

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Pat White

Community Blog: Pat’s Pet Peeves Daily Blog. Sometimes Controversial – Sometimes Humorous – Always Thought Provoking.

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