
Community Blog: Bush’s Presidential Legacy

By: Pat White

FT. LAUDERDALEThe title of this blog could very well have been “Thirsty for Blood – Thirsty for Oil.” Recently the President was interviewed by one of ABC’s journalists regarding his faith. One’s spiritual belief is personal, and we have to take him at his word when he talks about his relationship with God. However, his actions and decisions do not align with someone with a deep spiritual relationship with God. In the Bible it is mentioned that when you give to the poor, the sick and the under served you give to God. In other words, being compassionate to the under-served is one of the basic ways to serve God.

Bush’s tax breaks have always been geared toward the wealthy. Under his Administration, many after school programs, aimed at keeping at-risk students off the streets, were terminated . There were no major programs that were installed under his administration that were geared toward the poor and the rehabilitation of those who needed to get back on their feet. There were no true indication of compassion toward the poor, needy or under served. This should be the main focus of government. With Special Interests Lobbyists and greed this has switched around to the government serving the rich.

Lets not forget Hurricane Katrina. Government dragged their feet to get help to thousands of stranded folks along the gulf coast who did not have the means to get themselves out of harm’s way. Again, the poor were ignored for days and left behind. Its reported that people are still reeling from the effects of being displaced by Hurricane Katrina, with little or slow help from the government.

Of course, the war in Iraq will be one of Bush’s main presidential legacies; A war he thought would be over in a couple of weeks. To his dismay, the Iraqis fought back. In the meantime, thousands of civilians died and billions and billions of dollars were and is still being spent – to pay American Contractors. Wait a minute, does this statement sound familiar – “If someone is bombing your country don’t you have the right to defend yourself?” This is being asked in defense of the Israelis attacking the Palestinians. So, didn’t they expect Iraqis to fight back in the same notion? Outsiders were bombing their country and their oil fields were threatened to be taken away from them. (By the way, Iraq was not an eminent threat to the U.S.)

There are statements made that the US was not attacked since 9/11 – therefore the President must have done a good job keeping terrorists away. Well, the US was not attacked prior to 9/11 (since Pearl Harbor) either, so in the same breathe, one could say the Bush Administration did not do a good job keeping America safe, since it happened under his watch.

When Bush took office, the country had a budget surplus for the first time that anyone can remember. This was due to Bill Clinton and the work of his Administration. Bush and his Administration managed to take that surplus and turn it into a trillion-dollar deficit really quickly. They had a party over the last 8 years and now the country is left holding the buckets of their hangover filth, the stench of which is smelt through the four corners of the world.

The Obama Administration has a lot of work ahead of them. Turning around a Trillion Dollar deficit; fixing a broken economy: ending the war in Iraq; Keep America safe; Returning a more positive global view of America; Helping to stabilize tensions between Israel and Palestine; Stabilizing the Middle East tensions on a whole; and Hunting down Osama Bin laden.

Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, you have to admit, a lot of damage was done under the Bush Administration which means the new Administration has a lot of repairing to do.

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Pat White

Community Blog: Pat’s Pet Peeves Daily Blog. Sometimes Controversial – Sometimes Humorous – Always Thought Provoking.

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