Commentary with Winston Barnes: Portia Wins!
By: Winston Barnes
DAVIE – The presidential victory by the leader of the opposition Peoples National Party (PNP) in Jamaica is a lesson for politicians not only in Jamaica but across the Caribbean, and maybe elsewhere too. One lesson is that grassroots people will hold on to what they perceive as social higher ups wanting control of their party.
For the Peter Phillips bid to come to nought again, many analysts and observers believe he and his top supporters might very well leave the party. Some even surmise he will create a new political organization, a la Bruce Golding in the 1990s.
Whatever the outcome, the PNP is becoming a different party. What some have seen as an attempt to return to the drumblair ethos and attitude is gone, at last for the time being.
What could be troubling though is the apparent refusal by the Simpson miller segment of the party to be forgiving of competition against its leadership. That might not be a good thing when the party hopes to attract the reported financially backing that it needs to be able to mount that political campaign necessary to replace the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP).
Many have claimed the rift that developed in the previous contest for the leadership of the party was never healed. The question is therefore, if that rift was never healed how can this one ever hope to be? And what of a party that could lose some of its still brightest stars?
Winston Barnes
Host – “Open Mic” WAVS 1170AM
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