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Commentary with Winston Barnes: More Drama

White House[SOUTH FLORIDA] – In the theatrical world there are dramas and farces, among other forms, these days reality shows may loosely be added to that bunch.

It appears that as of now, much of the globe has come to take the U.S. for a clear poppy show.

A president clearly loses an election through a system that brought him to office four years ago but he refuses to do the historically expected and practiced thing. And, this is happening in an administration which seeks to overthrow a president just south of its borders because it claims elections there were rigged.

So, this country which seeks to still be the world’s security officer, which would seek to invade another country where this kind of farce was being played out has now joined those s-hole countries.

In effect the U.S. has become the laughing stock of the very universe in this the twenty first century.

The tragedy is that this is not mere politics. It is as a result of the creation of something close to a cult where the followers are convinced that their leader can simply do no wrong. Even church leaders, whatever that  means in 2020 U.S., have given, not even sold, their souls to a man who has not a spiritual sinew in his body, because they fear him more than the god they claim to serve.

But the tragedy is compounded by the fact that so many black people, some from our own community, have joined his band of cultists.

For those who are still surprised, look at the video of Jones Town, where kool-aid took on a new and tragic meaning. Most of those who committed suicide there were black folk.


Winston Barnes
Host – “Open Line” WAVS 1170AM
Photo Credit: Leroy “Dreamy” Riley


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