
Commentary with Winston Barnes: Lady Saw

SOUTH FLORIDA – Reports of Lady Saw’s conversion can probably be taken with some amount of seriousness beyond the hype. Among others, I have listened to the audio of her declaration, and I pray that she gets the right guidance she needs at this time and that no charlatan gets her or his hooks into her.

For those doubters and gainsayers too, be reminded of the story of Saul who became Paul. He was a bad man who hunted down Christians and saw to their killing. He became not only one of the greatest evangelists of all time but also a martyr. By, the way, along with Job, are my top heroes in the bible.

In one of my weekend meditations, Bible scholar Oswald Chambers notes that “if a person cannot go to God, it is because he has something secret which he does not intend to give up…”.

Lady Saw
Lady Saw

We should ask ourselves not about Lady Saw, because she is obviously seeking to give up whatever it is that has prevented her, to paraphrase her, from going to god; instead we should be asking what is preventing us from heeding the call from our God.

Maybe like a number of other women in Jamaica over the last couple of weeks, Lady Saw is leading the way here as well.

Voice your opinion on the “Open Line” with Winston Barnes daily on WAVS 1170AM or listen on-line http://wavs1170.com/

Winston Barnes Host – “Open Line” WAVS 1170AM Photo Credit: Leroy “Dreamy” Riley
Winston Barnes Host – “Open Line” WAVS 1170AM
Photo Credit: Leroy “Dreamy” Riley




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