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Commentary with Winston Barnes: Jamaica Bad?

Winston Barnes

DAVIE – With the events that un-folded in Jamaica over the past couple of weeks, it should be obvious that things will never be the same again, whether for politicians or their supporters of every stripe. Garrison politics that has been a fact of Jamaican life for decades is either going to be brought to an end or bring the country down.

While the extradition order case has played itself out and people have made comments and observations that are purely based on politics, not enough have spent the time contemplating the country’s future. In fact many have merely sought to see how they can benefit from the chaos that has now come to the surface.

People have not ceased to call to talk about the latest developments in Jamaica, even against my wishes, it is probably appropriate for all Jamaicans, maybe more so those who live outside of the country to ask themselves critical questions.

Questions like how much have we in any way helped Jamaica to get to this state of affairs. In addition, other than talking, what can Jamaicans do to help change the dynamics in the country, not for just now but for the future, to make the change that will bring good to the entire country. Pious statements and expressions of outrage are not only too late but are not the solution.

Winston Barnes
Host – “Open Mic” WAVS 1170AM

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