Commentary with Winston Barnes – Independence?
SOUTH FLORIDA – As the people known as Jamaicans inch toward the observance of its fifty third anniversary of independence a number of questions simply have to be asked. For one, what do the vast majority of Jamaicans know about how this island nation came to be considered independent?
The answer to that is fairly easy to come to, the internet allows for the research of this phenomenon, with very accurate portrayals available along with the not so accurate ones as well.
(Courtesy of Ian Hamilton )
What though about the very essence of independence? As just another country at the behest of entities like the international monetary fund, where is financial independence in Jamaica’s current make up? In fact, with all the hue and cry made about over achievers like Bob Marley, where is the cultural independence?
As some have submitted in the past, has not a country like Jamaica not swapped the British Colonial experience for the one imposed by the U.S. At least culturally, and with the structures engineered by the IMF which takes its cues from the U.S.
One of the greatest boasts of Jamaicans is said cultural independence, not usually explained with the same words. But has that, said cultural independence, thanks to the dominance of cable television, not been over-ridden by American culture?
Host – “Open Line” WAVS 1170AM
Photo Credit:
Leroy “Dreamy” Riley
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