Local News

Commentary with Winston Barnes: Hard Times

DAVIE – foreclosures and job losses are but some of the major challenges faced by most folk in this country. The new year in fact promises more of the same even amid some rays of hope for some with the coming of a new administration in the nation’s capital.

The real estate and mortgage sector has taken a massive blow with many practitioners in the community having simply disappeared. Programming on this radio station is drastically different from even six months ago, much less a year ago.

Yet there are many in the community who behave as if things have not changed dramatically. Some believe they still have to hang on to the flashy automobile that was really purchased to impress neighbors and friends.

But even worse, many believe the hype when there is talk about hard times offering opportunities. Many times this is merely another way of conning people into schemes that will simply take money from your pocket and place it in someone else’s.

As we move further into the year, it would serve us well to acquire a better understanding of the facts behind people getting scammed even at the Wall Street level. This should convince us that many of these schemes are really created to help those who initiate them.

For those of us who have used them over the years, we should ask ourselves if even in the case of partners who benefits other than the banker?

Winston Barnes
Host – “Open Mic” WAVS 1170AM

Voice your opinion on “Open Mic” with Winston Barnes daily on WAVS 1170AM or listen on-line www.wavs1170am.com

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