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Commentary with Winston Barnes – Haiti, Better?

DAVIE – As the grief of the Haitian people continues and some might say worsen, it is good for all of us to check our attitudes to that country and its people. The additional temblor this morning, of a more than six magnitude, is proof this suffering is far from over.

Since the devastation of last Tuesday (Jan. 12), it appears the true nature of some across the community was barely hidden and is now emerging. One caller to “the open mic” spoke of giving a Haitian a job, only to have to remove this person from the job because of a language problem. In this case it appears the caller merely wanted to show how kind he was to have given a Haitian a job, if one is to go by the caller’s obvious air of superiority.

Another caller questioned where the money was coming from for the U.S. to help Haiti when Hurricane Katrina victims are still suffering. Obvious selfishness, at a time of utter suffering for a people who are really a part of us.

For far too long, too many of us have seen ourselves a better than…with little or no realization that not only are we all our brothers’ keepers but that we all share a planet where anything, can happen at any time, yes, including natural disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes.

Winston Barnes
Host – “Open Mic” WAVS 1170AM

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