Commentary with Winston Barnes: Choices?
SOUTH FLORIDA – The visit to Jamaica by the U.S. Secretary of State should be suspected by all well thinking and conscious people.
The number one question to be asked is why now?
The answer might just be that the U.S. is seeking Caribbean help in electing a secretary general of the organization of American states who would support the U.S. position on Venezuela.
The next question is, why exclude some members of CARICOM from the talks in Kingston?
Obviously the u.s. believes it has reason the invited countries will take decisions which are in the best interest of the U.S.
The next question is, who benefits from the visit and hopefully a vote by Caribbean countries which would benefit the move to oust Nicolas Maduro from Venezuela? Part B of the answer is the U.S.
More serious questions need to be examined as well.
What about the barely hidden attempt to place Jamaica in a leadership role in matters having to do with the Caribbean community of nations?
I believe Jamaicans, especially but other Caribbean folk need to go beyond the meetings with the chosen few in Jamaica Tuesday and watch what develops hereafter.
How divided will the English speaking Caribbean become after the meeting with Pompeo?
And too, will we understand this divide and conquer tactic is nothing new regardless of who sits in the White House.
Photo Credit: Leroy “Dreamy” Riley
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