
Commentary: Presidential Election Campaign A Poppy Show?

by Winston Barnes

SOUTH FLORIDA – Commentators have spent a lot of time debating the presidential election campaign going on in a particular party in this country. I have stayed away in part because  the Presidential Election Campaign has truly been a Poppy Show.   That I am now convinced is not exactly a reasonable position to take.

Because while the Presidential Election Campaign has been a Poppy Show in the truest sense, a Jamaican saying here makes sense, ‘What is joke to you is death to me’.

Take the fact that some of the people in the said political party want to convince potential voters they are like the loudmouth leading in the polls, could conceivably shut down the government again in a matter of weeks, simply out of spite for the current President for the only reason that he is Black. Sometimes even cautious commentators have to call it out that loudly.

Even when this President leaves office, he is going to be blamed for every misfortune this Country has endured, even those encountered before he was born.

I am submitting to those who so intently hate Barack Hussein Obama they are duly close to a heart attack and that history will not be changed. Barack Hussein Obama won the presidential election in the United States of America on two separate occasions and no revisionist historian is ever going to change that fact, so get used to it already!

Presidential Election Campaign


Winston Barnes Host – “Open Line” WAVS 1170AM Photo Credit: Leroy “Dreamy” Riley
Winston Barnes Host – “Open Line” WAVS 1170AM
Photo Credit: Leroy “Dreamy” Riley


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