Commentary: John Lynch A Good Appointment
By: Professor David P Rowe Esq
MIAMI – John Lynch the more visible of the two powerful Lynch brothers, John and Patrick, has been appointed Chairman of Tourism. I consider it a good appointment.
John Lynch is one of Jamaica’s most respected tourism technocrats. He has served both private sector and Government with distinction for over thirty years. He has been an exceptional personal ambassador for Jamaica for many decades in the area of tourism promotion and public relations.
John is a black Jamaican who has achieved in an industry where black talent is frequently sidelined in favour of white or expatriate genius. It is obvious to many that John has achieved more than many of his contemporary colleagues to have reached the pinnacle of tourism in Jamaica.
Mr. Lynch has that crucial private sector attainment of having run a business successfully. Somebody who has run a business, understands the problems of an industry which must be run like a business. Jamaican tourism has some serious challenges: the casino possibility, redlight district proposals, European superhotels, wages of hotel workers, competition from Cuba etc
Some Sandals workers think that they should receive more pay. How will Mr. Lynch handle that type of issue if it arises in a manner that needs his intervention?
It seems difficult for the Sandals chain to keep all unions locked out of their premises while Mr. Lynch is Chairman of the Tourist Board and this is going to be one of the delicate areas of his tenure.
Whatever the challenge, I think John Lynch will be equal to it during his tenure.
Professor David P Rowe is a Professor of Law at the University of Miami School of Law