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City of Lauderdale Lakes Announces Haiti Earthquake Relief Efforts

LAUDERDALE LAKES – At a press conference held earlier today (Jan. 14), the City of Lauderdale Lakes announced that it has organized a relief effort for earthquake victims in Haiti. Through the efforts of its Department of Social Services and Alzheimer’s Care, the city has partnered with Food for the Poor, Inc., and several other local organizations and churches to collect disaster relief supplies for earthquake victims in Haiti beginning Friday, January 15.

“As citizens of the world, we are responding with this humanitarian effort. Our hearts go out to the people of Haiti who need all the assistance and resources they can get to get through this tragic event,” said Mayor Barrington A. Russell, Sr., who was joined at City Hall by a contingent including fellow elected officials Commissioner Benjamin Williams, Sr. and Commissioner David Shomers of Lauderdale Lakes; State Representative Hazelle Rogers; City of North Lauderdale Mayor Jack Brady; City of North Miami Mayor Andre Pierre and representatives from partnering organizations and the City of Lauderdale Lakes in making the announcement.

Among the critically needed items needed at this time are canned goods (meats, fish, beans and condensed/evaporated milk with easy open pop tops), bottled water and first aid and medical supplies. Monetary donations are also being accepted; checks can be made payable to the Lauderdale Lakes Haitian Relief Fund or donations can be made online at www.foodforthepoor.com.

Donations will be accepted at the following locations and times through February 15:

Lauderdale Lakes Community Council
3720 West Oakland Park Blvd.,
Lauderdale Lakes
Monday – Friday, 8 AM – 7 PM;
Saturday, 10 AM – 2 PM

Holy Temple Holiness Church of Deliverance
3798 NW 19th Street, Lauderhill
Tuesday, 2 – 7 PM; Thursday, 1 – 7 PM;
Saturday, 1 – 8 PM

Ambassador Seventh-Day Adventist Church
3245 West Oakland Park Blvd.,
Lauderdale Lakes
Monday – Thursday, 10 AM – 5 PM

American Institute School of Health Careers
3268 N. State Road 7 (Reef Plaza),
Lauderdale Lakes
Monday – Thursday, 2 – 6 PM; Friday, 9 AM – 3 PM; Saturday, 9 AM – 1 PM

Haiti Relief Center of Corn Properties
4157 N. State Road 7, Lauderdale Lakes
Monday – Friday, 1 – 5 PM; Saturday, 10 AM – 2 PM

The City’s partners in this effort include BSO, Florida Medical Center, American Institute School of Health Careers, Ambassador Seventh Day Adventist Church, Holy Temple Holiness Church of Deliverance, Corn Properties, Sun Trust Bank and Laparkan Shipping.

Lauderdale Lakes Mayor Barrington A. Russell, Sr. (at podium) outlines details of the city’s relief efforts for earthquake victims in Haiti during a press conference held at Lauderdale Lakes City Hall on January 14. Russell was joined by community and governmental partners including (from L-R) Steve Corn of Corn Properties; North Lauderdale Mayor Jack Brady; Lauderdale Lakes Commissioner Benjamin Williams; State Representative Hazelle Rogers; Lauderdale Lakes Commissioner David Shomers; North Miami Mayor Andre Pierre; Ben Rodriguez of Florida Medical Center; North Miami Councilwoman Marie Erlande Steril; Richard McCulloch of the American Institute School of Health Careers; Pastor Henoc Paulicin of Ambassador Seventh Day Adventist Church; Pastor Thomas Douglas of Holy Temple Holiness Church of Deliverance; and Lauderdale Lakes City Manager Anita Fain Taylor.
Photo credit: City of Lauderdale Lakes

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