Census Day is Just Six Months Away – Broward County’s Complete Count Committee Continues to Educate and Raise Awareness
FT. LAUDERDALE – The Broward County Census 2010 Complete Count Committee reminds all County residents that there are just six months left until April 1, 2010, the National Census Day that occurs just once every 10 years.
“It is important for each and every household in Broward County to return their Census form by mail,” said Broward County Commissioner Ilene Lieberman, chair of the Broward County Census 2010 Complete Count Committee. “Our community receives funding for education, public safety, transportation, health care and human services based on Census results, so full participation means accurate funding for Broward County.”
The Broward County Census 2010 Complete Count Committee is a community based effort to raise awareness of the upcoming Census, with the goal of increasing participation in the constitutionally-mandated decennial Census count.
Since August 2008, the 2010 Complete Count Committee has been hard at work educating the public about the Census. Comprised of nine subcommittees and drawing from community organizations, media partners, municipalities, business and other parts of our community, the members of the Complete Count Committee are collectively spreading the word about the importance of the Census and getting an accurate count.
A national census count is required by the U.S. Constitution and census forms are mailed to every household in March of the year that the census is being conducted. New streamlined forms take about 10 minutes to complete. In Broward County, more than 800,000 housing units will receive the census forms. The brief questionnaire takes for the name, gender, age, race, ethnicity and relationship to the householder, and whether the householder owns or rents their home. Residents are encouraged to fill out their census form wherever they are on the day they receive it, regardless of where they live at other times of the year.
Any Broward County civic group or homeowners association wishing to learn more about the 2010 Census, can contact the Complete Count Committee and request a speaker from any one of the subcommittees, which includes broad representation from businesses, the media, human service agencies, not-for-profit agencies, community groups and city and county government.
To inquire about the County’s Census activities, or schedule a speaker, visit www.broward.org/census and click SPEAKERS BUREAU, or call Scott Medvin at 954-357-8550.