Caribbean American launches magazine that lauds children’s achievements
FT. LAUDERDALE – Many say bad news sells but the Portrait of Achievement Magazine (POA) that was created to glorify and broadcast news of the positive achievements of today’s children was successfully launched this summer at the Las Palmas Hotel in Sunrise Florida.
According to Sharon Blackwood, the publisher, the public is sufficiently inundated with bad news such as the Columbine killings and now thirst for knowledge of the good things that our young people are doing within their communities.
“Portrait of Achievement Magazine is a reflection of what our future leaders are doing today.” Ms. Blackwood said. “When we balance the bad news with the good news from our magazine it will be clear that our future is not as bleak as we thought.”
The Premier Edition, published for the summer of ’06 carries a medley of stories. From the achievements of a blind young man called George to the miraculous survival of Ilisa, a beautiful young girl who experienced three cardiac arrests because of Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome and Andy Miayares who is a superhero in his own rights.
The launch was a tremendous success, says Blackwood. “I was pleasantly surprised to see the support this magazine has received by both male and female. People from all over the country have responded with a resounding yes to this publication”.
The market focus will be on South Florida for the first six months, although copies can be found in New York, New Jersey, California and Texas. An impending contract with Barnes & Nobles will place the magazine in book stores across the country.
POA is a quarterly publication that provides parents with, not just positive achievement stories, but will also provide information and advice on subjects pertinent to children.
The magazine can be bought from newsstands or by subscribing on line by visiting