Caribbean-American Heritage Month Celebration: Geoffrey Philp Launches Who’s Your Daddy?: And Other Stories
MIAMI – In celebration of Caribbean-American Heritage Month 2009, award winning author, Geoffrey Philp, will be reading from his recently published collection of short stories, Who’s Your Daddy?: And Other Stories on Tuesday, June 9, 2009, 8 p.m. at Books & Books, 265 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables, FL 33124.
“The stories in Who’s Your Daddy range from the comedic in “Sister Faye and the Dreadlocked Vampire,” to the tragic in “Cry to Me” and the downright mysterious in ‘Bobby Bijani and the Rolling Calf,’—a real mash-up of styles,” said Philp, who has just returned from a successful reading of Who’s Your Daddy? in Jamaica at the Calabash International Literary Festival. “More than anything else,” he added. “I wanted to surprise the readers at every turn of the page and I think I’ve succeeded.”
Whether set in the Jamaican past or the Miami present, whether dealing wittily with sexual errantry, inventively with manifestations of the uncanny or disturbingly with teenage homophobia, Geoffrey Philp’s second collection displays again the gold stamp of the born story-teller. But beyond their capacity to engage and entertain the reader, these are the multi-layered stories of a perceptive and humane observer of contemporary life. In particular, an acute empathy with troubled childhoods and adolescence offers adult readers a rewarding reconnection with the turbulence of earlier selves.
Geoffrey Philip
Geoffrey Philp is the author of a children’s book, Grandpa Sydney’s Anancy Stories; a novel, Benjamin, My Son; a collection of short stories, Uncle Obadiah and the Alien, and five poetry collections, including Exodus and Other Poems, Florida Bound, hurricane center, xango music, and Twelve Poems and A Story for Christmas. His most recent book, Who’s Your Daddy?: And Other Stories, was published by Peepal Tree Press. He teaches English at Miami Dade College and he is the chairperson of the College Prep. Department at the North Campus.