AHF Celebrates Julian Bond: “A Champion of Freedom for All People…Giving Voice to the Voiceless”

WASHINGTON – AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) President Michael Weinstein released the following statement on the passing of Julian Bond:

“Julian Bond, a giant of the civil rights movement, has died at 75. This is a particularly poignant moment for AHF because Mr. Bond delivered an inspiring keynote speech in May 2013 in Cleveland for AHF’s ‘Keep the Promise on AIDS’ March. For those of you who were fortunate enough to hear him that day, you know that he was a champion of freedom for all people. He was an early and strong supporter of LGBT rights. In a world of screaming narcissism he had a strong, but strangely soft-spoken voice. He came to prominence in the ’60s as a young African American legislator in Georgia; then as the head of the NAACP; and he then spent his entire career giving voice to the voiceless. Julian Bond – we celebrate your life.”
To read Julian Bond’s full keynote speech at the May 2013 ‘Keep the Promise on AIDS’ March in Cleveland, click here. To view a video clip of Bond’s speech and the KTP March, click here, and for a full Flickr album of the KTP event, click here.