Christmas Message From The Consul General Of Jamaica, Miami
SOUTH FLORIDA – My Fellow Jamaicans,
It is that time of year once again, when we come together to enjoy time-honoured traditions of celebrating Christmas.
It is the season for sharing with family, friends and the less fortunate, and for giving thanks for our many blessings throughout the year.
While we may not have Junkanoo, the white washed walls or the grand market, we nevertheless carry with us the cultural traditions that we will use to mark the season in a way that is uniquely Jamaican.
As 2016 draws to a close, let us take a moment to reflect on the developments that occurred throughout the year; from changes in political administrations in Jamaica and the USA; to the phenomenal achievements of our Jamaican Olympians in Rio; to personal challenges we have faced and the achievements that have brought us joy.
Through it all, we have all represented the black gold and green with pride and a deep sense of who we are as Jamaicans – a people of resilience, talent and creativity.
Looking ahead to 2017, a year in which we will celebrate 55 years of Independence, Jamaicans overseas will play an even greater role in the development of our beloved homeland as the Government moves ahead, with purpose, to implement proposals to engage the Diaspora in a constructive, deliberate and sustainable way.
I invite you to remain connected as we seek to create the kind of Jamaica that we all want to see, while creating a strong sense of community overseas.
We use this opportunity to say a hearty thanks to the Jamaican community in South Florida and the other areas under the jurisdiction of the Consulate for your continued support.
We thank you for your patience, your constructive feedback and your expressions of gratitude, as we try to deliver the best service possible.
We thank you for, and look forward to, your continued positive actions in support of philanthropy, business, education, health and culture in Jamaica.
On behalf of my colleagues at the Consulate-General of Jamaica at Miami, may you have a Merry Christmas, filled with happiness, peace and love, and a prosperous New Year.
Franz Hall
Consul General of Jamaica
Consul General of Jamaica