
Haitian Dance Theatre presents an evening of Authentic Haitian Folk Dance

Miami-Dade – The Louines Louinis Haitian Dance Theatre will be presenting its 1st annual “Evening of Authentic Haitian Folk Dances,” on Saturday, December 9, at 8p.m., in the Mary Ann Wolfe Theater at Florida International University (FIU), Biscayne Bay Campus – 3000 NE 151st St., North Miami.

The concert will feature traditional Haitian dances depicting the cultures of Africa, Native America, France and Spain, which found new roots on the mysterious island of the sun, Haiti.

“Haitian dance expresses a unified mix of various cultures that have all been overwhelmingly influenced by Africa,” says Lucrece Louisdhon-Louinis, assistant dance theatre director. “At the center of this celebration will be the magic drum, a symbol of immortal Africa and an important part of the Haitian cultural tradition, depicting the rhythm of life.”

The event is part of the “VH 100 series,” a program of the FIU College of Architecture and the Art, Department of Dance, and funded in part by Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, Hannibal Cox Jr. Grants Award Program, the Office of the Mayor, the Board of County Commissioners and O’Chan Cultural Center, Inc.

The Louinès Louinis Dance Theatre was founded in 1975, by accomplished dancer and choreographer Louinès Louinis, an adjunct professor of dance at Florida International University and a former Associate Professor of Dance at the College of Staten Island New, York.

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