National News

Jamaica’s Minister of Health Calls on Jamaicans to Stand Up Against Criminality After Assault on Staff Member of Noel Holmes Hospital


Dr. Fenton Ferguson
Dr. Fenton Ferguson

Kingston, Jamaica – Jamaica’s Minister of Health, Dr. Fenton Ferguson says the continuous assault on health care workers must stop and community members must cooperate so that the police can apprehend those involved.

This comes after a member of staff at the Noel Holmes hospital in Lucea, Hanover was assaulted recently while on duty on the hospital compound.

“These criminals, especially those who prey on women, must be stopped. The only way that we can do this is if members of the community work with the police and share what they know so that they can apprehend those involved and deter others. We have to take a stand against these criminals if we want to make a meaningful change,” Dr. Ferguson said.

He said as Jamaicans we have to remember that these acts can affect anyone and so we have to band together and look out for each other.

“The majority of Jamaicans are decent, law abiding citizens and so we cannot allow this minority to disrupt our lives and continue to cause chaos in the society. It is time we take a stand as citizens of this country,” Dr. Ferguson said.

Just this week two Cuban nurses attached to the Buff Bay Community hospital were attacked by a gunman at their residence in Buff Bay, Portland.

South Florida Caribbean News

The Team provides news and information for the Caribbean-American community in South Florida and beyond.

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