
When to Plant Calla Lily Bulbs Outside

Did you know that Calla Lilies not only make excellent cut flowers but also do well in containers or as landscape plants? They grow from bulbs and are typically available for purchase in the fall. You can also find them for sale online year-round. These plants are quite easy to grow, and that’s why they attract so many gardeners. If you are among them and want to add this flower to your garden, these tips on when to plant calla lilies are right for you.

About Calla Lilies

Calla Lilies are native to South Africa and prefer warm weather. They’re not frost-tolerant, so if you live in an area with cold winters, you’ll need to either plant your bulbs in pots and bring them indoors when the temperature starts dropping or purchase bulbs that have been pretreated so they can withstand colder temperatures.

Their blooms are beautiful and come in various colors, including white, yellow, pink, purple, and red. You can choose different colors on and add them to your garden.  The most popular cultivar is Zantedeschia aethiopica, which has white flowers. It is best to plant them in zones 8-10 as they are native to this plant. Callas bloom in late spring or early summer.

Where to Plant Calla Lilies

You can plant your Calla Lily bulbs in the garden as soon as the ground can be worked in the spring. If you’re not sure when that is, wait until after the last frost date in your area. When planting, choose a spot in your garden that gets full sun or partial shade. Calla Lilies prefer moist, well-drained soil. Add some organic matter to your garden bed before planting to help with drainage.

If you want your plants to be strong and bloom as intended, choose nutritious and moist soil. Consider adding manure, peat moss, or compost to the planting area. These organic materials will also help with drainage if your soil is heavy.

When to Plant Calla Lily Bulbs

The best time to plant Calla Lily bulbs is in the fall, before the first frost. This gives the bulbs a chance to establish themselves in the ground before winter. You can also purchase bulbs that have been pretreated so they can withstand colder temperatures.

If you’re planting Calla Lily bulbs indoors, you can plant them at any time of year. Just be sure to keep the soil moist and provide them with plenty of light. Calla Lily bulbs should be planted about four to six weeks before the last frost date in your area. If you’re unsure about that time, you can check with your local Cooperative Extension office. They will have the most up-to-date information for your area.

When to Plant Calla Lily Bulbs

How to Plant Calla Lily Bulbs

Plant your bulbs 2-3 weeks before the last frost date in your area. If you are planting them in containers, make sure the pot has drainage holes. Fill the pot with a high-quality potting mix and plant the bulbs 6 inches apart and 4 inches deep. Water your bulbs well after planting. Fertilize your plants monthly with a balanced fertilizer during the growing season.

How to Care for Calla Lilies

Calla Lilies are relatively low-maintenance. They prefer moist, well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade. If you live in an area with cold winters, you’ll need to either plant your bulbs in pots and bring them indoors when the temperature starts dropping or purchase bulbs that have been pretreated so they can withstand colder temperatures.

Water your plants well and fertilize them monthly during the growing season. Deadhead spent flowers to encourage new blooms. Cut back the foliage in the fall after the plants have died back and store the bulbs in a cool, dry place over winter.

When to Plant Calla Lily Bulbs

Pests and Diseases

Calla Lilies are relatively resistant to pests and diseases. However, they can be susceptible to fungal diseases if they are grown in poorly drained soil. If you see any signs of fungal disease, such as yellowing leaves or stunted growth, remove affected plants and dispose of them. Avoid planting Calla Lilies in the same spot where diseased plants were growing.

In Conclusion

Calla Lilies are beautiful flowers that come in a variety of colors. They’re easy to grow and make a great addition to any garden. With proper care, they will bloom year after year. If you follow these tips on when to plant calla lily bulbs outside, you’ll be sure to have success growing Calla Lilies in your garden.


South Florida Caribbean News

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