Things To Know About Auto Accident Lawyer – Alabama Law Firm – Lawsuit
In 2019, the recorded number of vehicles who operate the roads of America daily are 276 million. These drivers take hundreds of trips and spend long hours traveling the road day and night, fully knowing the consequences they face every time they hit the road (read more).
Whether you live in Alabama or on the other side of the coast, a vehicular accident is always a risk. No matter how careful you drive or how responsible of a driver you think you may be, there is always a fifty percent chance of experiencing road accidents.
Accidents are called as such because these are circumstances beyond our control. As much as we hate it, the truth is that the road is full of drunk drivers, newbies, sleepyheads, and road ragers. Not to mention the natural calamities such as hailstorms, intense storm surges, and tornadoes. In 2019 alone, 2 million drivers got involved in a car accident that resulted in permanent injury; 58 percent of these accidents ended in fatalities.
Since accidents are unavoidable, we need to prepare ourselves for the worst possible scenario. If you ever find yourself at the rear-end of a terrible car crash, here are the important things that you need to remember.
What to do during a vehicular accident?
Get help
The first thing that you need to do is to check the welfare of every passenger in the car. Regardless of the accident’s severity, health should be your priority. Call an ambulance or get medical attention if there are severe injuries and casualties. Wait for medical personnel or police before exiting your vehicle. Even if it is a minor accident, you still need to call the authorities and file a report.
In case of injuries, seek medical help and get treated first. Then, call your Anniston personal injury attorney. Contacting trusted legal personnel will help you navigate the legal matters of the accident. It will help you protect your rights and get the proper compensation you deserve.
Take pictures
Now is the time to take advantage of your high-quality smartphone cameras. Snap photos of the accident scene. Take a shot of every position, angle, and corner. Also, record the plate numbers of other cars involved. Get this done before the authorities move your cars away to avoid traffic jams. Check any surveillance cameras in the area. This can help resolve any disputes later on.
After filing a report and making a statement to the authorities, you can also take note or make a voice record narrating the events that led up to the accident. Jot down important details that might be essential for the investigation later such as names, plate numbers, and car models.
Scan the area for possible witnesses. A third person’s account on what happened may be useful during legal and financial settlements. Record their names and contact numbers. You can also ask them to give their official statements to the police.
Insurance Company
Inform your automobile insurance company right away. They will help you cover the expenses in fixing your car or pay you for any loss and damages. To know more about it you may visit this website:
Your insurance company is the best help you can get when it comes to the financial aspect of the accident. They will assist you in using your comprehensive and collision coverages. They can also cover the costs of your hospital treatment and laboratories. They are liable to provide personal injury protection coverage in the event of a major injury.
If you are at fault, the state requires them to provide liability coverages. They will provide financial assistance to help you pay for any bodily injury you might have inflicted on another person. As well as pay for any car damages you might have caused.
Injuries due to car accidents can range from a simple whiplash to a traumatic brain injury. A person may also suffer from broken bones, ribs, or a herniated disc. Suffering from internal bleeding is what we want to avoid. It is a life-threatening injury that may not present immediate signs and symptoms.
Although we cannot avoid accidents, we can, however, prevent fatal injuries during these dreadful circumstances. Make sure to always wear your seatbelt and be mindful of your speed. Do an internal car check-up before hitting the road.