Prime Minister Bruce Golding of Jamaica Confirmed for Upcoming Miami Conference
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Caribbean Central American Action (CCAA) has confirmed the participation of The Honorable Bruce Golding, Prime Minister of Jamaica at the upcoming 31st Miami Conference on the Caribbean Basin.
The Conference is scheduled to take place December 3-5, 2007 at the Inter-Continental Hotel in Miami.
Prime Minister Golding will deliver the plenary dinner keynote address, December 4th.
Prime Minister Golding
CCAA is a non-governmental organization that promotes private sector-led economic development in the Caribbean Basin.
The countries of the Caribbean & Central America are at a crossroads when it comes to their economic development and the prosperity of their people. For years the argument has been that with integration, these small economies of the Western Hemisphere will finally present themselves as blocs ready for investment.
The Conference will once again focus on the continued high cost of energy in the Caribbean & Central America, notably with regard to the possibilities that bio-fuels and other alternatives allow; and how security, or lack of a comprehensive approach to these issues may serve to hurt these fragile economies.
For the past 31 years, the Miami Conference has served as the only forum that focuses solely on the small economies of the Caribbean islands and Central American isthmus, the “CBI” beneficiary countries that make up the Third Border.
The conference continues to unite leaders from the public sector, the business community and civil society together in a constructive open dialogue to address issues affecting the region and its economic prospects.