Commentary With Winston Barnes: Our Money
SOUTH FLORIDA – As the great spending holidays approach, it would do Black folk in general and the community in particular a lot of good to stop and think before spending its hard earned money.
Ask yourself if the retailer you have supported for years in turn supports reactionary elements in this country who support a new government that is going to cause some amount of dislocation in your life and who even not in office yet, is causing anxiety already.
An associate recently spoke to the fact that there are Chinese restaurants all over which our community continues support. Yet says this person, Chinese never are never seen to purchase food in a black owned restaurant. At least not in the numbers we buy their food. And no, this is not meant to separate out ourselves from another group which might be in for hard times with the new administration, as well.
So as we all rush out to do thanksgiving Black Friday, yeah, Black Friday and Christmas shopping, ask yourself how much of your dollars are going to enrich people who do not even like your money, much less you. People who support a new president who is clearly racist, and has not respect for your sister, your grannie, your daughter, your wife and your Auntie as well.
And no this is not about a boycott; it is about supporting your own and about not helping one group to suppress the group you belong to.
Voice your opinion on the “Open Line” with Winston Barnes daily on WAVS 1170AM or listen online.
Photo Credit: Leroy “Dreamy” Riley