OAS begins work on Political Party and campaign finance reform in the Caribbean
WASHINGTON – In order to institute a key recommendation of its electoral observation missions, the OAS has embarked on a comprehensive initiative to provide model legislation on political party and campaign financing in the Caribbean.
The main purpose of this project initiative is to contribute to increased transparency, to strengthen the integrity of political party and electoral finance in the Caribbean and to establish sustainable mechanisms for the regulation of political party and campaign financing in that region.
Commenting on this project, OAS Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza stated, “this initiative is very timely, for it not only accords with provisions of the inter-American Democratic Charter, but it comes on the heels of the Fifth Summit of the Americas, which, in the Declaration of Commitment of Port of Spain, reaffirms the commitment of OAS states to ‘fostering credibility and public trust in democratic institutions’ in particular the legitimacy of electoral processes.”
Through financial support from the Government of Spain, the OAS hosted a roundtable discussion on May 18 and 19 with a cross section of parliamentarians, academics, electoral practitioners and civil society representatives to identify the salient issues of this crucial topic, which will be encapsulated in a working paper. The OAS intends to make the paper public in July and it (the paper) will call for specific requirements for political party registration, increased disclosure and strengthened enforcement. The paper and the model legislation will be presented and discussed in a series of meetings throughout the Caribbean scheduled during this year.