Jamaica’s Missionaries of The Poor set to build more homes
By: Barbara M. Simpson
Kingston, Jamaica – The existing homes erected by Father Richard Ho Lung and the Missionaries of the Poor (M.O.P.) are full to capacity so property was donated to them to build more homes. The existing homes house people afflicted with AIDS, the mentally challenged, the crippled, the disabled, abandoned children, men and women in wheelchairs, children and toddlers who have visible evidence of physical abuse.
Father Ho Lung in conversation with Vincent HoSang, CEO/President of Caribbean Food Delights, told him there is a need for five more homes, a chapel and a monastery and asked him if he would be willing to help finance the project. Philanthropist Vincent HoSang in consultation with his wife, Jeanette HoSang, President of Royal Caribbean Bakery and his daughter, Sabrina HoSang, Director of Operations agreed to finance the project. On Friday, September 16, 2005, Vincent and Sabrina HoSang flew down to Kingston, Jamaica for the groundbreaking ceremony which took place on Sunday, September 18, 2005.
The area where the homes were located were so rundown that most of the places were deserted, vacant or occupied by families who could not afford to move out. “It reminded me that we take many things for granted and it made me appreciate what I have even more. Some people can change cars every two years while the less fortunate don’t even have a car, yet alone a bicycle,” explained Sabrina HoSang.
“Just seeing the physical and emotional state of the people, children and babies in the homes touched our hearts and brought tears to our eyes. I usually only see this type of thing on TV but seeing them in person was a totally different experience. Father Ho Lung and the missionary are doing so many wonderful things for these victims in Kingston and we are glad that we are able to help,” said Sabrina HoSang.
On Saturday, September 17 there was a service presided over by Most Reverend Edgerton Clarke, D.D., Archbishop Emeritus of Kingston as the Chief Celebrant and the Concelebrant, Father Richard Ho Lung, M.O.P. Priests of the Missionaries of the Poor and other Clergy participated. Honorable Bruce Golding, Mr. Oliver Clarke, Managing Director of The Gleaner Company, Ltd. and the HoSangs joined others in singing songs of praise that were uplifting and touching to the heart.
“I was so impressed when I saw the people from the homes dressed up for the service,” said Vincent HoSang. “The brothers did a great job with that.”
After the service, the HoSangs presented Father Ho Lung with a check in the amount of J$12.5 MILLION. They already gave the first installment to start the project and are committed to continue with the other installments.
On Sunday, September 18 there was a morning service where everyone went to the groundbreaking site located in the mountains. At the site, family and friends gathered for another short service to bless the ground before the groundbreaking ceremony. A hole was dug and everyone involved in the project signed the PLAN. The PLAN was then rolled up and placed in a plastic container at which time it was presented to Sabrina HoSang who had the honors of dropping the container in the hole. Vincent HoSang, Father Ho Lung and others covered the plan by shoveling dirt in the hole. The spot where the ceremony took place was where the new chapel would be built.