
Jamaica Trade and Invest (JTI) Launches National Export Strategy

KINGSTON, Jamaica – (JIS)The National Export Strategy in Jamaica was launched Thursday (April 24), by Jamaica Trade and Invest (JTI), at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel.

Defined as a unified approach to advancing the competitiveness of firms and sectors, the strategy’s primary objective is enhancing the business and trade environment, in order to improve Jamaica’s export performance.

At the launch, Industry, Investment and Commerce Minister, Karl Samuda gave his support to the implementation of the strategy, noting that “it is about facilitating those who are now in business and laying a foundation to encourage new players to enter business and to do well for exports.”

He pointed out that the strategy should assist in identifying those items that are now being exported, the impediments to the expansion of the present volume of export, the bureaucratic problems and mechanisms that are going to be implemented immediately to facilitate a smooth process.

The National Export Strategy, which has been in the making since February 2004, will be rolled out in another month and a half. It is being driven by a council of representatives from the public and private sectors, who are about the business of export.

It represents a broad consensus and the collective wisdom of all the players to create a sound framework to guide the drive to Jamaica’s export and global competitiveness.

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