Jamaica Diaspora Advisory Board United States congratulates the Jamaica Labour Party
MIAMI – The Jamaica Diaspora Advisory Board United States congratulates the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) and Mr. Bruce Golding, as president of the Party, on their recent
victory in Monday’s parliamentary and general elections.
Further, “we would like to commend the Electoral Office of Jamaica (EOJ) for working diligently in ensuring a free and fair electoral process and
demonstrating the maturity of Jamaica’s democracy”.
The Jamaican Diaspora Advisory Board United States looks forward to partnering with the newly formed government, under the leadership of
the JLP, and the Opposition in furthering the integration of the relationship between Jamaica and Jamaicans living abroad. It is our wish that we are able to continue the galvanization of one of Jamaica’s most valuable assets, its people, for the continued future development of Jamaica and for the benefit of Jamaicans, at home and abroad.
Jamaican Diaspora Advisory Board
United States
Dr. Harold Mignott, Northeast ([email protected])
Valerie Beckley, Midwest/West ([email protected])
Marlon A. Hill, Esq., Southern US ([email protected])