Commentary With Winston Barnes: Jamaica Change
SOUTH FLORIDA – One does not have to be partisan or even political to appreciate that change, at least in the political arena is taking place in Jamaica.
Following the February 25th general elections there were offers made on both sides of the political divide of cooperation in the interest of the country. It would appear one test of that unity is already coming hard and heavy.
Among the proposals made by the new government is the establishment of a fixed date for election and along with that, term limits for Prime Ministers.
As one report says this potentially landmark legislation has never been attempted in Jamaica. That in itself is of historic importance because this is an idea that has been bandied about for quite some time.
In a number of observers, over the weeks since the February elections a number of commentators have claimed the Jamaica Labour Party is behaving more like the Peoples National Party of years ago.
This new initiative is clear evidence of that when one considers the government is now proposing to also remove the Queen as ceremonial head the country.
What then does the opposition party do in the circumstance?
Does it go against some of its greatest philosophies or claim authorship of these proposals? Matters not, as long as the changes come finally.
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