Helpful reminders on how to be prepared for Election Day – August 24th
Broward County – On Tuesday, August 24th, polls will open for Broward County citizens who were registered to vote by July 26th, 2010.
Voting hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Supervisor of Elections, Dr. Brenda Snipes would like to share the following helpful reminders on how to be prepared for Election Day:
• Florida law requires voters to present a picture ID with signature. Acceptable forms of ID are: Florida Driver’s License, Florida ID Card, US Passport, Military or Student ID, Public Assistance ID, Neighborhood association identification and Debit/Credit Card. Please note: IDs must have current signature. Any combination of picture and signature is accepted.
• A voter can take with them a marked sample ballot or other helpful information into the polling place so that they may remember their choices.
• Voters are encouraged to confirm their voting polling place by checking their voter information card or visiting Remember that state law requires that a registered voter vote in the precinct that he or she resides. If you have moved, you are required to vote in your new home precinct.
• If a voter has requested an absentee ballot and later decides to vote at the polling place instead, they may bring the absentee ballot with them to be cancelled at their polling place and receive a new ballot to vote at the polls.
• Name and address changes, or signature updates may be made at the Broward County Supervisor of Elections office or by printing a Voter Registration Application online. Address changes within Broward County can be done by phone.
• The Broward Supervisor of Elections website contains a wealth of information. Please go to If you have any other election questions or concerns you can also call us at 954-357-7050