Guyana Govt. signs MOU with Broward College
FT. LAUDERDALE – The Public Service Ministry of Guyana and Broward College in Florida have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which sets out a framework for collaboration between the College and educational, research and other institutions in Guyana.
The MOU was signed during the formal opening ceremony of the first Guyana Trade, Tourism and Investment Expo held in Florida October 30 to November 1. Guyana’s Public Service Minister Dr. Jennifer Westford signed on behalf of her ministry while the college’s Provost and Senior Vice President Dr. Linda Howdyshell signed on its behalf.
The MOU says “the parties recognize the value of linkages across national boundaries to further the goal of creating responsible citizens in an increasingly interdependent world and desire to strengthen and expand the mutual contacts, and also to improve the effectiveness of cooperation, according to international understandings and the laws of Guyana and the USA.”
As the purposes, goals and mission of the parties are common and compatible in many areas, their institutions, students and related specialized agencies and departments will derive significant benefits through activities of mutual cooperation and the sharing of information and experience, the MOU points out.
The Parties will realize educational, research and development cooperation in several ways including exchange of educational program materials; development of educational projects of mutual interest; mutual participation in conferences and forums; engagement in projects of common interest in collaboration with international organizations, NGOs, and governmental institutions in Guyana;” Public Service Minister Jennifer Westford explained.
Dr. Howdyshell said that collaboration under the MOU would seek to enable students from Guyana including the University of Guyana to enroll in specialized seminar courses offered at Broward College; create educational exchange opportunities for faculty and students from each institution; and explore the development of Broward College courses leading to the Associates degrees on the campus of the University of Guyana.